By Anonymous - 07/06/2012 17:42 - United States - Seattle

Today, while waiting for a bus, someone started smoking at the bus shelter, which is illegal in my city. I politely asked him to stop smoking, citing the city ordinance. He just cackled and said that if I'm so concerned about the state of my health, I should start by losing 90 pounds. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 625
You deserved it 39 132

Same thing different taste

Top comments

While heart disease does kill more people than lung cancer, that guy was a prick.


why so many YDIs ? The smoker was (is) a dumbass. If OP's fat, then he just has to deal with it. Maybe a good diet and some sport could be more than effecient. Don't show anger towards fat people, it's easy to mock while you've never been enduring this.

YesyDidWhat 0

I totally agree with you, it's messed up of people to criticize over weight people instead of looking at themselves.

When we allow people to be picked on for bad habits, where will it stop? It's not right to pick on smokers any more then it is to pick on those over weight. Why can't we just accept people for who they are, both good and bad, and move on. Society is getting so bad with this that people are getting turned down for jobs for both reasons. Why not educate and try to help instead of being the school yard bully?

because #146: when people smoke around others, they CAN effect that persons health. It can flare up asthma and bronchitis attacks. I picked a town to live in with a fairly high air quality. I took time to find out if I was living in a healthy area and if someone is in a "protected" area then they shouldn't have to deal with that nasty smelling crap. IF the smoker is away from the doors (15 ft in my state) then whatever. I'll hold my breath. but I don't need that crap.

I would've knocked the shit out of him.

olpally 32

Uh-oh, another Internet tough guy... I'd love to see you do that...

reddudeover 2

Should have said "If I lose 90 pounds I'll look like a crackhead, just like you"!

i personally hate people who smoke in public. that shit stinks and even when they around little babies they dont even care. its cool you want to do it your choice just stay away from me.

thetrooper666 2

You do realize that not all smokers have the exact same personality, right? I smoke in public and yet I absolutely refuse to do it around children, even when their own parents do. Get off your high horse. I'm more than willing to bet that you do things (stereotyping) that annoy the piss out of plenty of people but they just have to deal with it.

You also realise it's your responsibility to move your child away from my smoke and not vice versa.

Not all smokers are assholes. I move far away of I see pets, let alone babies. I figure adult humans have the ability to move away from me if my bad habits bother them. If you were chewing very loudly at the table next to mine it would be weird of ME to ask YOU to move when I'm the one that's bothered. Not sure why that logic never seems to apply to smoking.

You should have told him that while you won't get fined for being fat, he WILL be fined for smoking. Oh...and last time you checked you can't give cancer

funneybunney1 0

I wish smoking in my city was illegal

YesyDidWhat 0

OP, screw what people think of you! I hate when people smoke anywhere. I'm sure you can loose weight whenever you want.

I've been a smoker for fifteen years and I still feel bad about smoking around non smokers, but I would have felt like you were trying to control me with a comment like that. You could have walked away and avoided the confrontation, and got some exercise at the same time.

Yes, because someone would willingly give up their cigarette in the midst of a full blow verbal argument to give you the chance to do that. If you reached for their cigarette they would probably think you were trying to put it out and would either a) back away or b) slap you like a pack of smokes are $10 a pack (here in new York, they are)