By busfail - 22/03/2012 18:00 - Canada - Burnaby

Today, while I was on the bus to work, a morbidly obese man sat down next to me. When my stop came and I stood up to get off, he just looked at me, said with a smirk, "good luck with that," and went back to reading his paper. I missed my stop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 603
You deserved it 2 886

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maddidaddi 0
footballfreak65 6

You should have yelled " oh look they are giving free hotdogs outside"


What a lazy, inconsiderate piece of shit. However you should have grown a backbone and stepped over the mess. Next time don't sit there and take it.

Why didn't you step over him?! And in the process, step ON him -.-

What a douche. I would've stepped ontop of him, purposely kneeing him in the face to get by.

What a douche. I would've stepped ontop of him, purposely kneeing him in the face to get by.

NightAnimal 1

Use his face for traction as you scramble over him.

sbjess 8

What a dick. I would haver kicked him in his gunt!

missnuthin 10

One of my fears when riding the bus is someone trapping me in a window seat and not letting me off. If that obese jerk had done that to me I probably would have panicked and started yelling. Which in turn, probably would have solved the problem. lol.

OP should have looked at him, all puzzled, and said ''How did you even get through the door?''

You definitely need to be more aggressive I would have climbed over him lol