By emeraldapostle - 10/11/2018 14:26

Today, while dreaming, I was thirsty and grabbed a glass of water to drink. The taste was so horrible that it caused me to wake up and realize I was drinking the isopropyl alcohol I keep on my nightstand for my CPAP machine. All Poison Control had to say was, "Uh oh." FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 788
You deserved it 611

emeraldapostle tells us more.

Hey all, OP here. I'm fine, and Poison Control helped me out after saying, "uh oh." Now I keep my isopropyl somewhere besides my nightstand

Top comments

Gamessence 19

Maybe they said uh oh then said what to do. Op probably left out the what to do part to make it more comical


Hey all, OP here. I'm fine, and Poison Control helped me out after saying, "uh oh." Now I keep my isopropyl somewhere besides my nightstand

EinVoegelein 8

but how did you unscrew the child-proof cap while asleep?

What did poison control have you do?? I’m very curious!

and this is why i dont keep poison next to my bed 😂 glad your okay though