By Anonymous - 03/04/2011 15:14 - United States

Today, while bending over to get the brownies I was making out of the oven, my husband slapped my butt. I fell into the oven. FML
I agree, your life sucks 80 727
You deserved it 6 417

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hansel and Grettal all over again. Your husband might be a witch.


zSapphire15 0

EWW OUCH!!!!! That's gotta hurt so bad !! :(

vivilily 0

I think he just wanted some bad hah.

How does she deserve this?! Assholes.

dragon0000 7

wow he must have wanted a hotter wife .... lol JKJKJK sorry I'm pretty sure ur pretty

Easyaccess 0

haha... I saw that one in jackass

deathcharm aren't you too young to be on here? jus sayin

That's probably because he thinks you are delicious. Get it? I made a joke. Or he thinks you're a real treat! I'm on a roll.