By Lockie - 28/04/2009 09:44 - Australia

Today, while at work in a subscription TV call center, a 71 year old male customer went into explicit detail about the Adult's Only programming that he enjoys, including all the kinky things he learns from said programming and tries out on his 70 year old wife. FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 002
You deserved it 6 522

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Someone buy that man a beer!! Old people get horny too.

ZiggyMorrison 0

You should have tried to sell him more **** channels if thats in your job description anyway tell him theres one with old people on each other


nofyourlife 0

that's not an fml. good for them. i hope i have that good of a sex life when i'm 70.

b5200 0

Well you gotta do something when you're a bored 71 year old, he just gets kicks of of kinky sex with his wife and messing with people who work at call centers.

photographer_fml 0

Major TMI, but hey! Live it up while you're alive, I say.

hey i can hope i'm having awesome kinky sex when im 70 too.

FYL? really? no YDI for posting such a stupid FML

Wow. idk why people live that long im commiting suicide when im 55

fuckthatnoise 0

that is really, really cute!