By realitybites - 08/07/2013 17:03 - United States - Brooklyn

Today, while at the doctor's, a week overdue with my first child, I was told that sex and orgasms can sometimes help to induce labor. On the way home, my boyfriend asked for road head, arguing that "She said that stuff about orgasms." Not you, honey. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 064
You deserved it 7 327

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pwnman 33

You could have said that having sex with him caused the problems!

What would make him think it was about him?


Lucky! I wish I had a child in 2013 but I'm too young lol

This is, in context, the most frightening username I've ever seen.

TcheQ 12

I'm one ******* huge dumbass

You're fully pregnant and he wants you to be able to lean over to reach his dick? He's a bit delusional.