By Tymer - 23/11/2012 15:56 - Canada - Malahat

Today, while at school, a bra fell out of my coat. After the initial shock, people started congratulating me on finally getting a girlfriend. I didn't have the heart to tell them it was my mom's. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 745
You deserved it 3 830

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm going to hope this is a laundry mishap, and not extremely creepy.


winkydog4056 16

Did you check the other pocket for the matching panties?

Most of the posts here that use "I didn't have the heart to..." Should really read "I didn't have the balls to..." Edit: darn it.

I think the question is... Why was your moms bra in your coat?

senor_awesome 14

This question has already been asked about 30 times.

nancyschmancy 9

The question is...why didn't you read the 50 other posts that said the same exact thing yours did?

nancyschmancy 9

The question is...why didn't you read the 50 other posts that said the same exact thing yours did?

You mean you didn't have the BALLS to tell them. Why would telling them require heart?

PeetasFakeLeg 8

I don't even want to know why your mothers bra was in your pocket.

desireev 17

Omg... I know EXACTLY how it happened! It was the craziest thing ever! You may not want to know, but it's so amazingly, crazy funny that I'm going to tell you anyway... It's this thing/process... called... LAUNDRY! I know, right? Craziest thing EVER! That bra just slipped itself right on in that coat in the laundry process. Damn sneaky bras!

You didn't have the heart? Or did you realise that it's rather weird to have your mother's bra in your coat and got embarrassed? How did it get there? Strange person, YDI

My grandmother is 92. And she uses dryers, dishwashers and all new stuff in her house. And she's old. Clothes lines are so old school. I always make fun if houses with clothes hanging outside. Haha. Everyone I know does anyways.

escobar07 10

I just wanna know why you took her bra to school with you