By fthislyfe - 02/07/2011 14:06 - United States

Today, while arm wrestling with my boyfriend, I had to pretend he beat me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 324
You deserved it 7 936

Same thing different taste

Top comments

n1c0l3t 0

no honey it's about strength...

fthislyfe 22

OMG i cant believe they finally posted my FML ! im so excited


coffeeandcream 8

are you a manly girl or is your boyfriend a girly boy?

What type of build does he that you have to pretend to lose to him.

elpacino32605 0

maybe you need to quit dating 10 yr old boys...

SlaveToRetail 10

I wonder just how funny it'd be to see someone get their ass kicked by Justin Bieber after making another overplayed, stupid "girl" joke about him. Now I want to see this.

Justin Bieber winning a fight? Is that the replacement saying for 'when pigs fly' ?

Emilee_2012 0

Agreed. I still don't understand why most of guys hate him. I'm not one of those beliebers or anything, but I don't hate the guy.

A7X_LoVeee 10

I totally agree 91. I've never understood why so many people make fun of him. I don't own his music on my iPod and probably never will but I don't hate his guts. It's rather pathetic to see/read what people(adults even) say about him. He seems like a good kid to me. I don't get it.

Actually, my friend met him and she says he's actually a total doushe.

Why people make fun of him? It's called being on the internet. Don't put yourself out there if you can't handle it.

A7X_LoVeee 10

True 148. However I've seen people say the world would be better off without him, that he should die, etc and it's just sad.

That's just trolling, people do it for the reactions. I don't know. Just don't reply and later mock them when they don't know they've had an effect :P

'He' personally might not be so terrible it's more of what he represents. You can't tell me the mindless product that is being passed as music is anything more than another product being sold to the mindless masses...

SlaveToRetail 10

The first time I heard that Justin Bieber was a "girl," I scoffed. The second time, I rolled my eyes. Now if someone cracks a girl joke, I just want to smack them and tell them to come up with something original.

Maybe you should care about important things?

chocobanditx3 0

damn..someone needs to go to the gym

cutebutterfly12 4
stepho14 0

I guess you can kick anyones ass for him if he gets bullied xD

I feel bad for the guy, not you. It's just arm wrestling, just let him lose, he'll get over it quickly. You are actually being dishonest with him, and dishonesty for anything in a relationship is a bad idea. I've been married twice, and although my situation was flipped, both of them were completely dishonest about everything with me. I don't appreciate a girl who purposely lets a guy win, it's sad to see, my 17 year old son's girlfriend has beaten my him at basketball, and he got over it quickly. Guys find it more impressive that a girl can beat them at certain things, the stereotype usually is that guys get embarrassed, that usually only when they're in elementary, I've seen it personally.

dvdp112 0

whhhaaat....nobody listen to her advice she has been divorced twice how much can she really know... lol.. I hate it when lady's beat me in anything.. beat me to the remote hate it ..beat me to the bathroom despise it.. beat eggs for scrambled eggs for me OH NO SHE DIDN'T...