By Nate - 06/03/2009 03:25 - United States

Today, we watched a movie in class. Afterwards, the professor asked us what we thought. I raised my hand and said it was pretentious, dull and a really poor example of filmmaking. It was the movie HE spent five years writing and directing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 553
You deserved it 52 648

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yikesO_O 0

Hey, you spoke the truth. People can't be babied all their lives anyways.

Exactly. If the professor is opening the movie to critique, he better suck it up and deal with it.


you were being honest, and it's his fault, since he asked what you all thought anyway.

Ouch, FYL. Well, he asked what you thought, and you told him. I don't see why anyone would vote YDI.

b4sk3tb4ll 0

Lol I would have said that just to be a smart ass. But if it was that bad then at least you told the truth...

findingmylemon 0

Douche. But if it sucked it sucked, just don't use annoying words to describe it. It's not intelligent, just annoying.

really? you're so stupid that the word "pretentious" is pretentious to you? lmao.

anonymouschicka 0

this shouldn't be YDI-ed if the proffesser didn't want the truth he should have said he made it

You shouldn't have to change your opinions for him. If his movie is ass, well it's ass. Fight for your rights!

Nerrage 0

Why are so many people voting YDI? YDI for being honest? Riiight.

F your prof's life then. length of time spent working on something is not directly proportional to the end product's quality. and anyway, you were just a single feedback.