By Nate - 06/03/2009 03:25 - United States

Today, we watched a movie in class. Afterwards, the professor asked us what we thought. I raised my hand and said it was pretentious, dull and a really poor example of filmmaking. It was the movie HE spent five years writing and directing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 553
You deserved it 52 648

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yikesO_O 0

Hey, you spoke the truth. People can't be babied all their lives anyways.

Exactly. If the professor is opening the movie to critique, he better suck it up and deal with it.


DiscoInfiltrator 0

who cares how long it took and if it was his movie it can still be pretentious dull and a poor example of cinematography, if its a shitty film its a shitty film i work in an indie movie theatre i see them all the time

TheOrpheus 0

tell him not to make crappy movies next time.

its your opinion, he cant just disregard it because its his work :P plus, he a) shouldnt have shown it to a class if he didnt want feedback b) should have told you it was his xD

Seriously; fishing for compliments is just asking for trouble, especially when your audience doesn't know you're doing it - then they can't lie to make you feel better. That's just petty...

lol #12. Anyway, i'm sure you can appeal to somebody if you believe he is marking you with prejudice... lol hope so

no matter how much the teacher should suck it up, still sounds like you got an F in his class.

Don't feel too bad about it. You are not the only person in the world who has put his foot in his mouth. Though it isn't all bad; Perhaps you learned a valuable lesson in tact?

janatwin 0

i wonder what u got in that class!!!!!!!!