By Anonymous - 06/03/2011 05:18 - United States

Today, we had to discuss our heritage at school. When I told the class that I'm German, Japanese, and of the Jewish faith, my teacher laughed at the "irony." Something like this always happens whenever I tell people my background. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 975
You deserved it 5 537

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Damn son, sounds like an orgy gone wrong.

Just tell him you're going to go Samurai Nazi all over his tuchus.


I feel your pain. I've got African, Indian and Anglo Saxon in my family. I get the my family stole land and enslaved my own family jokes.

...... uh, some people here are forgetting that Hitler was 1/8 jewish... ahaha, but yeah, sucks for you OP. People are alway going to make comments, you've just gotta learn to not give a ****.

I'm half black (African American whatever ) and Vietnamese. Try imagining all the stupid comments I get op. I get asked all the time which one I identify with more and I say neither. if anything I'm white. because white people are who I mostly grew up around. That and my dad's family (the black side) were pretty classy and not all stereotypical ghetto. About all of my cousins on both sides of my family are multiracial. Don't let your heritage define you, but don't deny it either.

I can't imagine any stupid comments for black & Vietnamese..

tbonea1990 0

well if u knew history u would see y people say ironic. but the Germans and Japanese partnered together during WW2 and Hitler was killing all the Jews that Nazi Germany could find.

Yeah, I find it really odd too. It's the only place where someone will rattle off how they're 1/32 this and 2/5 that. It doesn't happen anywhere else in my experience. For a country with such emphasis on migrants assimilating, it has always struck me as strange. The great one is when someone claims a heritage, and has no practical connection with the country whatsoever. It used to bug the hell out of my Irish friends when someone in the US would say they were Irish, but when they asked what county they were from, they'd say "my great-great-great-grandmother was from Mayo!" I think people forget that these countries are actual real places in the modern world.

Well that's racial profileing but I do have to say I agree with your teacher on the "irony part" but yeah.FYL op


It's because people who live in the U.S. don't all belong to the same ethnic background as people from other countries. We don't all speak the same language, worship the same religion, or even talk the same way. In some countries you can look and act the exact same as any random person you see on the street, but the U.S. has people from literally every country around the world. That's why people talk about that stuff, because they can't trace their family back through thirty generations of Americans. It's not possible. Everyone in America came from somewhere else.

sallen0046 4

So...stop telling people. Your heritage isn't anyone else's business. Either keep your mouth shut or don't complain when people make comments.

I think people with a huge gene pools are great. They usually look attractive (get the best features from all). And they usually have a varied upbringing too so I find they are interesting people too. *This is just from my personal experience and I am not stereotyping every interracial person*