By Peter - 27/12/2011 02:24 - United States

Today, we found out where our daughter had been hiding her crayons. We also found out why our stereo stopped working. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 548
You deserved it 2 989

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I know how you feel, I always forget to plug them in.

deathpotato 11

It must have made a very colorful sound.


SlaveToRetail 10

SERIOUSLY, dude?! Crayons are a child's best friend and their key to unlocking their imagination... It's like the ultimate symbol of childhood. You make me sad.

#18's name makes me think he was too short to use a crayon o_O.

btstig 11

Or they were like paper towel rolls in his hands.

ninjuh_wingman 29

She just wanted to give your music some more color.

50+ colored stereo now that what I call sound!

iDaniel525 8

Don't leave us with such did it stop working?!

WoeIsEddy 5

Oh what a "colorful" sight that must have been.

Ok if your daughter managed to shove crayons in a stereo then I applaud her

OhLohd111 11

The colors weren't loud enough for her.

Now you don't only have a normal stereo but you have one that comes with a special show full of colors!!(: I'm s0 jEl0use!!! :D #ialsowantacolorfulstereo:D

#sorrybutyourtwitterisinanothercastle |the kid|