By jm_track - 26/02/2011 22:59 - United States

Today, to punish me for being hungover, my roommate blasted the bagpipe version of "Amazing Grace" through his stereo. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 023
You deserved it 35 393

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RecklessJellyBea 7

o.O Truth be told, I would've done the same.

Everybody drinks to much sometimes, hungover doesn't mean you're a drunk


you_failed 15

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! I never knew there was a bagpipe version of this song! xD That's hilarious! :')

squishthatlion 0

22: DROPKICK MURPHYS FTW! i'm glad someone here knows who they are

sourgirl101 28

Korn's lead singer plays bag pipes on stage at concerts. Even an amazing band as them, couldn't make them sound good so FYL for having to hear that shit!

TheBeatlesAreLov 0

wtf? FYL for listening to KoRn? Then I suppose listening to Bieber would be "You're awesome"

TheBeatlesAreLov 0

Bieber? Who said anything about Bieber? Look at my username, stupid. :).

weezaCbaby 0

hahaha! that is hilarious and a great idea!!

Why the **** do people hate bagpipes? ******* ignorant dicks.

kornhead09 0

lol what does ignorance gave to do with personal preference

takeapieandrun 9

I just thought this would he a good place to express my hatred for bagpipes. To OP, YDI for getting drunk in the first place.

Notso_boosh_fml 0

haha I think that's a little something called 'karma':P:)

i've noticed that regardless of the polls, each fml's comments are all along the lines of 'its all your fault!' so that tells me one of two things - either everything shit that happens is your own fault and could be avoided, or the people commenting are self-righteous unsympathetic a-holes.

Hmm... I wonder how one may have avoided a hangover? Damn, can't think of anything... you're right, this was totally unavoidable happenstance.

@27 I'm a "self-righteous unsympathetic a-hole" because I think people should be responsible for the consequences of their own actions. Also, I think what the roommate did was hilarious both in song choice and version. :-D It's really fun being self-righteous and unsympathetic.

The hangover itself is punishment enough. No need to add to it.

Like you people have never had a hangover.. Come on.