By stalked - 08/01/2014 20:27 - United States - Boca Raton

Today, to avoid a guy who's been creepily following me around school lately, I ducked into the girl's bathroom. After few minutes, he stuck his head in with his eyes closed and asked if I was done yet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 646
You deserved it 4 796

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RenoTheRhino 30

Tell a teacher or the principal. That could seriously escalate.


The same happened to me. I know how you feel

I burst out laughing reading this, too funny. Hahaha... lol sorry I had to.

wellthen7154 12

This is yet another reason girls do not go into the bathroom alone. Creepy guys will follow you.

What the heck girl I'm telling you now tell the teacher or principal cuz that's insane

I think this guy needs a restraining order or something

Next time he follows you to a private place KICK him in the balls... Or you could report him, either one works! :)

Why would u kick him in the balls when u can just report him? Why would u take Physical action when he could harm u back?