By animal45 - 07/11/2010 01:32 - China

Today, things were getting steamy with my boyfriend. For once, I tried to be more vocal to turn him on. After five minutes, he says, "Could you stop making animal noises, I feel like I’m fucking in a farmyard." FML
I agree, your life sucks 609
You deserved it 101

Top comments

thepeniswrinkler 14

Wait, were you moaning or mooing?

Rephrased: OP, you're not naturally vocal. You believed that bedroom vocalizations are a turn on for your boyfriend. So you put on a performance intended for his benefit. Would you say that's accurate? Thing is, non-natural vocalizing is the equivalent of faking it. Personally there's no bigger turn off than when a partner fakes it. The way he said "that's a turn off please just behave the way you do naturally because I so dig that" is a whole other story, cause dude was being a dick with that one. Have a chat with him about being respectfull during sexy times or kick his ass to the curb, unless you enjoy being denigrated.


hunt381 22

Were you trying to "do it like they do on the Discovery Channel?"

Oh god, I'm sorry that happen. But Lmao at the same time.

Edit *happened* I can't let my typo go... Sorry