By Mr. Shawzy - 14/01/2009 13:09 - Canada

Today, the ugliest girl in school walked by me and said "ewwww". FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 434
You deserved it 9 216

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you should've punched her in the mouth then apologized to her by saying you thought she was a male.

mizled 0

Does that make you the ugliest person...?


Emofluffinzhehe 0

I would have laughed my ass of and said "look who's talkin"

You guys should be a couple! Ugliest girl, and ugliest boy :D

hellokittywhore 0

Maybe the next cutest couple? xD

you jerk! just because she isn't beautiful doesn't mean she's wrong!

They only think they are because they lose their self esteem while being made fun of the "cool people"