By skmusic - 09/04/2009 05:04 - Canada

Today, the phone rang so I went to answer it. No one was there. A minute later the phone rang again and no one answered so I assumed it was a telemarketer or a prank so I started swearing uncontrollably in rage. Turns out it was my crush calling to ask me out, but she was too nervous to ask. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 284
You deserved it 75 104

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI. Way to lose your temper after 2 calls.

arienh4 0

Ever heard of call screening? To #1, you knew it's annoying, yet you did it anyway? We can SEE the #1, there's no need to say it.


Poor girl. Why do you have to yell at people like that anyway? There are a ton of reasons why that could happen--a bad cell phone connection, a broken speaker, etc etc... I hope she realised what a jerk you are at that point and found someone better to go out with.

YDI because 1. you need anger management... and 2. you yelled at your "crush"... grow some balls.. you should have been the one calling HER!

yeah. seriously.. your a bit of a pussy for not calling HER. but i hope you apologized and gave you a second chance.

How is he a pussy, we dont know if he asked her out and she never gave him an answer? dont judge ;)

LOL. Nice control of your temper. Two calls is not something to get pissed about. Sheesh.

castnerinho 0

...i suppose i should ask if everything turned out okay?...but're a ****-up.