By Anonymous - 23/03/2013 23:47 - United States

Today, the kids I babysit hid from me. While I was looking for them, I stepped on multiple strategically-placed Lego bricks. When I yelped from the pain, the kids jumped out and threw soccer balls in my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 183
You deserved it 5 255

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think these kids may have watched Home Alone one too many times...

lautturi 2

Nothing worse than stepping on Legos. Why not strategically place Lego to get them back?


Did you also get hit with a paint can? Stapled where it hurt? This reminds me of a completeley obscure, never heard of movie series involving a kid overwhelming adults using elaborate traps. If only it weren't so very unknown, a kind soul could help me with my recollection.

"Obscure"? "Never heard of?" At first I thought you meant Home Alone but no, clearly not.

*Scene where Spongebob makes a rainbow.* Sarcasm

Someone's been watching Home Alone. xD Just be glad you didn't get a paint can to the face. :)

screen that be glad she didn't get a tarantula on her face.

Clearly, children of the corn! Strike back!! Be preemptive next time and use the benefit of age and wisdom to trap them back and crush their evil little egos! How about paint buckets balanced on top of doorways so that they get covered with red paint when they innocently walk through? Or boiling tar? Up to you, OP, but a response in kind is your only option!!!

Yes, because parents love it when their babysitters douse their child with paint and suffocate them with boiling tar.

tidwellj 10

If I was the parent I'd just laugh and shake the babysitters hand

And pay her a Rube Goldberg award for creative problem solving!!

Some people's children... Understandable why the parents took a night off.

blooddeal 17

Babysitting Rule 3001: Be aware/ Beware of your surroundings.

That's why I never did babysitting. Makes you never want to have kids of your own.

Those parents are raising evil masterminds.

Wizzlbang 10

Weaponizing lego bricks? That's too ******* far... Those kids will grow up to be serial killers...