By fittingroompotty - 02/03/2009 13:38 - United States

Today, the fitting room of the store I worked in smelled really bad. The customers started to complain and since I was on fitting room duty I went to go investigate. A middle aged woman pooped on the floor and then put the chair on top to cover it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 109 569
You deserved it 4 989

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who would be cruel enough to vote YDI? Your life is definitely ******.


thats f**ick dude i fu**ing sick i feel bad 4 u

Oh, honey, I feel your pain. I worked at Target all through high school; one day a middle-aged woman came in and tried on clothes for a while, then left. My friend (thank god not me) went to clean the fitting room and found a pair of pants on the bench. When she picked them up she realized they were covered in s**t. A full grown woman had taken a dump in a public fitting room, then wiped it up with a pair of $40 pants. WTF?

g_rizzle_86330 0

i hope you did not have to clean it up

happygoluckyhh 0

Eww!! Was she mentally retarded or something? If true, why wasn't she being watched? Are you sure it was her and not a mother's kid a while back and it just so happened to stink at that moment? Did you have to clean it up? Eww!! That is NASTY!

marykate22 0

seriously people need to be potty trained, i was potty trained at 3, and this lady needs to be

BabaBlackShirt 0

Oh sorry that was me :/ I thought nobody would notice, i'm very very sorry about it

AsianBorat 0

I find this incredibly hard to believe.