By WTTFFFF - 09/05/2014 17:24 - United States - Tecumseh

Today, the creepy kid who sits behind me in English class decided that sniffing my hair wasn't disturbing enough for his liking, so he tried something new: popping one of the pimples on my neck. When I reacted in horror, all he could say was, "It looked pretty..." FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 823
You deserved it 4 742

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe it's time to ask for a seat change.

At least you have pretty neck pimples... I think?


That's disturbing. Explain the situation to your teacher and ask to be sat elsewhere.

You know my day was going pretty bad till i seen this I am so sorry for that

His choice of words was "pretty"? Wtf is wrong with that kid?

TheyCallMeDamien 17

You should've set him straight while he was sniffing your hair. He violated being in your personal space so close that you could feel him sniffing your hair. Saying nothing only encouraged him. Don't let people abuse you know matter benign it may seem. It's not okay.

I would approach your teacher after class and request for a seat change. I had something similar happen to me before (except the student was less creepy - he started stroking my hair from day one), but luckily it was a class I ended up disliking and dropping anyway. The only problem is that from there, he became a stalker..