By AmberKCole - 08/07/2009 18:45 - United States

Today, the car in front of me was going slow and I flashed my lights and honked. I floored it and passed the car, flipping off the driver. Just as I went around the next corner I got pulled over by a motorcycle cop. A few seconds later, the guy I flipped off drove by honked and waved. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 545
You deserved it 100 517

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Someone_somewere 7

hahahahahahaha that's what you get YDI

Eternity_fml 0


why do people like you insist on giving female drivers a bad rep? like gezz, I'm a female and a damn good driver if I do say so myself, but because I'm female I get jokes made about my driving at work with all the guys. And the worst part? The jokes they make are mostly true because of how many bad female drivers there are, so I can't even bring myself to dispute them most of the time.

you just asked why men insist on giving female drivers bad rep and then go on to say that most of the things they say are true and women are bad drivers? did you think your argument through?

awiloveyouuu 0

I think that she was talking about the OP giving female drivers a bad rep....

ithedarkknight 0

lmao i think whats more worse is that you wrote this fml lmao of course you deserve that shit i hate people who drive like what they have to do is so damn important they have to be speeding all over the place this aint fast and furious bitch you aint vin diesel sit the hell down and wait!

seb12992 0

No surprises here, OP is a woman.

Well this IS sort of just like a female driver. So I agree. Though a lot of men drive like idiots too. People need to get a grip of their driving skills and behaviors... YDI, not because of you speeding, not at all, but because you provoked a fellow driver and nothing good can come from that, ever. Always stay calm, no matter what.

CyclonePsycho 1

Or, he could have been going the speed limit or more and she's an impatient bitch. Everyone hates slow drivers, but if you have to speed to pass someone, then legally the other driver is going the right speed. And *you're* in the wrong. I'm not against speeding to pass (just don't lose control), but honking and flashing your lights just isn't necessary. Calm the **** down. You're still going to get to where you're going. You want to know what's worse than slow drivers? Drivers that feel the need to pass everyone else on the road no matter the speed and become way too upset when they can't.

Lmao, ha, you so deserved that one. It would have been even funnier if he flipped you off back though 

velcro62 0

Unless the other driver was going way too slow then this is all your fault.

kk4408 0

I really don't know who you thought would feel for you on this one. It's not so much the flying past someone who probably was going the speed limit anyways, it's more the blaring of the horn and flashing lights. Unless you're 16, you should be embarassed for driving like such a whiny little b*tch.

Drivers that pass everyone are less annoying than drivers who tailgate 2 inches behind everyone.

supercripple 0

That's why there's a passing lane. =P You're allowed to go slow in the slow lane.

Where I come from it is still against the law to "obstruct traffic" so "going slow in the slow lane" has its limits and is a ticketable offense. People need to realize this! Merging into traffic going 70 when the speed limit is 100 or 110 is NOT SAFE. You'll get a semi in your backseat before you know it. I've seen it happen so when I'm gunning it past you in the merge lane, its because you can't drive, not because I'm on a rage-pill.

piddly_03 0

where the hell do you live where the speed limit is 100 or 110?

You mean probably from any other country in the world since everyone in the world besides USA uses KM/H

What idiots don't have the reasoning skills to realize they were talking about km/hr? Wow, our schools are just awful. That should be at an 8 year old's reasoning ability. And I don't think you'll hear any arguments stating that Imperial is better than Metric. Then again, some people were wondering where the speed limit in the U.S. was 110...sigh

I think too much of myself? Maybe you expect too little of yourself. Here's another fact that may be little known to much of this site's audience: In many other countries, the steering wheel is on the right side of the vehicle. The more you know *shooting star flies overhead*

NO! You get off the computer. I was here first. It's my turn. Go away. This IS my life. I won't let you ruin it!

princesskitten 0

YDI for being a total douchebag and a moron. Clearly the person in front of you wasn't going slow, they were just going the speed limit whereas you were speeding. If you wanted to pass them you could easily have done it without needing to be so rude about it. You deserved the shame and getting pulled over. I hope you got a huge ticket. Asshole.