By AmberKCole - 08/07/2009 18:45 - United States

Today, the car in front of me was going slow and I flashed my lights and honked. I floored it and passed the car, flipping off the driver. Just as I went around the next corner I got pulled over by a motorcycle cop. A few seconds later, the guy I flipped off drove by honked and waved. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 545
You deserved it 100 517

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Someone_somewere 7

hahahahahahaha that's what you get YDI

Eternity_fml 0


justintodd95 0

You deserved that. Some people need to be more patient.

this is what happens when dumbass people like you feel like they need to be two seconds ahead of everybody. if I was the other person I would have pulled over got out of the car and laughed at you.

christopherlove 0

Story had a happy ending. Hope you wrap yourself around a tree.

ditlihi 0

Oh, that was me. I do that and jerks get pulled over.

ssnickel 0

Was the slow asshole riding in the left lane? If so, good for you for cutting him off.

Lau_fml 0

The car was going slow, meaning the driver was actually respecting the speed limit?? Totally deserved that one!

wasabipeas 0

I don't really understand how she deserved this, unless she was in a no passing zone, which she doesn't specify.

sassyfrass 0

I admit it, I'm a creeper, and on my way to work everyday there's always at least one car going 40 or 38 or whatever and the speed limit it 45 (I usually go about 49 or 50), and it's only one lane each way. You know what I do? I surely don't tailgate because that exacerbates the problem! I sit back, go 40, and when it opens up to two lanes, then I just calmly go my regular speed and pass them. No flipping off, no honking, nothing. And you know what it cost me? about two minutes of patience and time. I'm not pissed off, they drive how they want and I drive how I want. And we're both happy!

#157 - THANK YOU! I'm glad people like you still exist... people who calm down and realize getting angry isn't going to solve anything. You mentioned how tailgating would only exacerbate the problem; I totally agree. Most tailgaters don't understand or think that they're only making the issue worse. Whenever someone tailgates me, I go even slower (as long as I'm not going under the speed limit)! When they back off, I speed up to reward them. lol ;)