By Anonymous - 03/01/2011 10:29 - United States

Today, the alarm clock downstairs has been going off since 3am. The apartment belongs to two other students. They've gone home. Only 3 more days left to go. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 231
You deserved it 2 296

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ask like the owner/manager or something to go in and turn it off. Complain.

passinby 3

This happened to me in the dorms. It was going for like 4 days before it either died or facilities finally got around to turning it off -_- Just tell the owner, if you know where it's coming from! they'd probably get it done faster since it's an appt.


YDI for not calling the property manager after about 20 minutes.

ckjacques53198 0

shut the breaker off to the apartment

ahdelinablue 0

break up with him. that's not good.

cayytee 0

umm...what are you reading? if youre going to do that stuff then comment at least share : )

dammit I ment clock I read a lot of comments to get down here....

Illyssa_fml 4

Wtf. Normally Alarms automatically turn off after like 30 mins or something.. that sucks OP

Illyssa_fml 4

I think she's meaning the floor below her..( I got confused by this too)

depending on what time it was, contacting the landlord may not have been an option. I know my landlord isn't available until 9am and I don't have access to any breakers for my place.

normally alarm clocks stop after like 10 minutes :S