By YAABOIII - 05/04/2009 22:04 - United States

Today, the 7 year old boy I was babysitting studied my upper lip and said "It's okay, my daddy won't let me shave yet either." I'm a girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 215
You deserved it 8 803

Same thing different taste

Top comments

shmunk 0

wait till he falls asleep then glue some of your pubes to his face. then your mustache will be old news.

FYL, but maybe you should think about shaving.


It's pretty hard not to sound mean when commenting on chicks with facial hair. Facial hair can be pretty unsightly on certain dudes. It's extremely unsightly on women. Wax that thing ASAP. It has nothing to do with being attractive or not; it simply does not belong.

i like my women hairy, like my men :;p

quesoesbueno59 0

Woman facial hair is disgusting.

Aish_fml 0

13 and 21 that's flippin hilarious. Also, the gender-mistaken FMLs are so freaking old I could burn every person that posts them at the stake

Aish_fml 0

13 and 21 that's flippin hilarious. Also, the gender-mistaken FMLs are so freaking old I could burn every person that posts them at the stake

39 has it right. If you cared about having facial hair, you would have taken care of it. This isn't an FML.

average_girl 0

hahaha i moderated this one as a yes... hahah this is so funny. kids say the darndest things :)

ohboyscott 0

don't worry, kids are ******* dumb

nosuchthing 0

your life could be much worse. just wax the damn thing off, and get over yourself.