By papersofdivorce - 31/01/2013 17:08 - Peru - Lima

Today, thanks to our computer's browser history, I found out that my wife has been searching for local therapists who deal with cases of severe sex addiction. We've only had sex twice since we got married four months ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 360
You deserved it 3 714

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BryanThaMan 14

"Accidentally" leave a browsing history for a divorce attorney ;)


Idk how people do that. If I got married he'd have to sneak out every morning and hope to god I was asleep when he got home. I'd be on him like white on rice all the time! But seriously though maybe she thinks she has a problem with sex or that you do? Doesn't have to mean she cheated. Maybe you ask for it (in her mind) a lot so she thinks you have a problem. Idk some people can be really weird about sex it all depends on how they were raised to view sex. But a large difference is sex drives can be very hard to overcome sometimes. Good luck!!'

Not sure if she has an addiction to screwing around on you, or she's so frigid that she thinks you're an addict...either way, FYL OP & confront/ask her WTF is the deal...also, did you two have any sex before you were married?..if not, then's her, it's NOT you...& time to file for an annulment ...hope she signed a prenup, otherwise she might screw you out of 1/2 of everything you own. :(

Llamacod 11

Not after 4 months. Op doesn't have to worry about losing half

Not literally everyone, of course. I just see a lot of "his wife is clearly cheating". Perhaps, she simply has a sex addiction.

I dont think I am understanding this correctly.

Thank you 48. Some people jump to conclusions way too soon. An earlier comment pointed out that maybe she searched it because OP is begging her to have sex (because they've only had sex a couple times in four months) and she thinks he may be addicted to it. You my friend, are a skeptic! Well done (:

copydude 7

It seems to me OP's wife thinks he is the sex addict, thus the reason I strongly support premarital sex.. even though I am the father of a young adult daughter. Sex in the marriage is a very necessary strong bind for a couple. And find out that you are not sexually compatible after marriage is going to cause a lot of strife.

Ever thought that maybe she is searching for a friend?

Maybe she's just got a case of hypersexuality. It usually lasts around 6 months...but still no excuse to be cheating.

chitchat27 3

Your wife might struggle with sexual anorexia which means the absence of sex. It is treated alongside other sexual addictions. Perhaps your wife isn't cheating, but trying to understand herself better. I hope you two can enter into an honest discussion about your expectations when it comes to intimacy.