By stillsick - 02/03/2011 00:11 - Canada

Today, surprisingly, my roommate made a nice meal. Within an hour, I started throwing up. When I confronted her, she confessed that she'd used long expired ingredients, including meat, because she didn't want the garbage men to think she's "the type that wastes food." FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 455
You deserved it 3 245

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what an amazing roomate... get the hell out

The awkward moment when you find out your roommate is banging the garbage man.


i_love_grrr 0

i agree!! lol who wants to impress him?

FYLDeep 25

What? Did you think she made you the meal because she was being nice? Hell no, you're a human garbage disposal.

XOverrat3d 1

Tell her to flush it down the toilet next time

muchagente 5

might attract the rats, not a good idea. make a meal for the garbage men, perhaps?

how would something that got flushed down the toilet attract rats? it would go in the sewer or a septic tank... let's use our brains, shall we? now, on to the next stupid comment!

Don't poison the sanitation workers! Sheesh! Just double bag it.

MrLaryRottweila 1

it's the compliment that counts why you complaining? haha jk fyl

that's an example of a great friend.. lol

Get a garbage disposal installed. Than she won't have to worry about the garbage man.

Hope you've started locking your bedroom door at night...

4Lonely2Stoner0 0

Didn't you find it suspicious that she didn't eat any?