By Dissent21 - 05/06/2015 21:29 - United States - Boise

Today, one of my two roommates moved out without warning after we discovered that the rent hadn't been paid in full in a month, the utility bill hadn't been paid in two months, and the electric bill hadn't been paid in three months. We found out when the power was turned off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 121
You deserved it 3 976

Dissent21 tells us more.

I didn't really just "assume". We'd had a long conversation about who was going to be paying what bills, and we had an established system. I thought. She just sort of... didn't hold up her end, and then didn't tell me there was a problem.

Top comments

I guess you could say he left you in the dark about it

Sorry but you kinda deserve it... You should definitely pay more attention to bills like that and keep up with them! Never just assume someone else is paying it. ;)


I live alone and do not suffer from incompetent room mates.

gintwinsmoore 20

#13, well said...and this is the BEST way to go! you're a smart cookie!

hberri331 18

judge judy here you come! roomates can be the worst!

CyberSeeker 20

I once had a roommate who skipped out of paying rent one month. We all paid the landlord separately so when we got the notice he didn't pay, he took off with most of his things, plus a bunch of other things. These included a garbage can, bathroom rug and scale, a PSP, 3DS, and an expensive Hockey Jersey. He did leave my thousands of dollars worth of electronic equipment alone, his W2 and a homemade bong.

gintwinsmoore 20

ok why you didn't know this??? don't you share in the responsibility too? do you not get these bills as well? ydi for not keeping track of your bills bc in the end you're the one left holding the bag! it doesn't make sense to pay the landlord or any other creditor separately...keep track of everything when you're sharing responsibilities!!!

If you know his name and his town of origin he will not go far.

Utility bill and electric bill are the same thing but two separate amounts. I smell a lie.

Perhaps their gas bill is separate? Or they have a bill for use of laundry machines or something? Internet? Or perhaps utility is a catch-all term for the rest of their bills.

Well if they were your roommate you should know some of their information and be able to track them down.