By Skatedump - 14/04/2019 14:00 - South Africa

Today, on the one-year anniversary of my best friend committing suicide, my boyfriend of 2 years decides to dump me because he wants to focus on his skateboarding career. He doesn't even know how to skateboard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 361
You deserved it 201

Same thing different taste

Top comments

manb91uk 22

That's probably why he needs to focus on it... Seriously, I'm sorry.. Grab all your friends and go out for the day. Don't be alone

Why would you want to be with someone who is half-assing their skateboard career? You should let him go and find someone who has a snowball’s chance of having a decent living.


Sonotsuave 35

That’s idiotic, insensitive and immature. He’s not a keeper or ride-or-die. Kick him to the curb. Also, I’m really sorry for your loss and I hope your other friends and family are there for you. Everything will get better, focus hard on school and your interests.

Rosaluv 5

men do not Listen and Scientifically speaking males are Bad at remembering dates/ times. anything with numbers