By scarlett666 - 05/06/2009 02:04 - United Kingdom

Today, on a plane home from Ireland, my husband who was severely hungover, vomitted in a bag before we took off. When he got up to put the bag in the bin the stewardess forced him to sit back down. I had to hold on to a bag full of vomit for a good few minutes whilst my husband was passed out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 952
You deserved it 5 587

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He vomitted in the bag, not on you. You were at a minor inconvience not an FML

Eros_fml 0

vomit is no fun, either from you or anyone else


If you use the word whilst you're a foggot

kellster 2

Wow, you must be glad to have HIM back.

blondemoment 0

Hey remind me never to fly that airline ever! so rude!

ohh_wow 0

well YDI, why would u let your husband be hungover knowing that you're going on a plane??

SonOfACracker 0

YDI.....because your husbands an idiot and doesn't know how to treat women.

Anyone who thinks this is bad obviously doesn't understand the end result of a successful trip to Ireland.

You should've put it in his carry-on.