By mrrichkid - 06/03/2010 01:05 - United States

Today, my wife of four years confessed to me that she only married me for the money. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 003
You deserved it 3 698

Same thing different taste

Top comments

heartlessagony 0

#5 she must not care too much about security, or she wouldn't have confessed!!! Sorry OP for your bad luck, but I'm sure if you couldn't see that she didn't love you, others around you could!!!


buttshapedfruit 0

I hope you signed a pre-nup. Get divorced from that gold digger asap.

dropkickgorgeous 0

wow, that blows. **** her best friend, tape it and send it to her after the divorce.

Welcome to the real world, chief... where most chicks marry for money. And guys marry for sex, because they become convinced they can't have any outside of marriage. It's the game chicks play, and now you know the rules. Chicks like to get married because they can legally stop having sex with you at that point, but you can't legally keep your money away from them. So they win. Too bad you had to learn the hard way, but at least you've learned.

gman79 0

you deserve it for getting married, boys don't be stupid

Well, OP, that IS one of the pitfalls you face when you import them from Azerbaijan.

She married you for "the" money, or married you for your money? If it was for benefits and tax breaks it's nearly understandable. Nearly.

Twin_Uzis 0

Well, DUH. That's what women do.