By puppielover - 21/08/2010 17:25 - United States

Today, my step-mom informed me that she and my dad will not be attending my wedding because they will be at a NASCAR race. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 964
You deserved it 3 720

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sdman923 0

NASCAR= Non Athletic Sport Consisting of Assholes and Rednecks.

my2centsworth 15

Now you can have a red neck-free wedding.


BubbaCatLove 0

YDI for being the product of inbreeding. Tell your dad he shouldn't have married his cousin.

I bet OP's fiancé/brother is pissed about it, too

Mabster84 2

OP - You need to show the same respect back to them. Don't invite them to anything important, family gatherings, birthdays so on and so forth. It sounds as though they don't really want to be a part of your life anyway for their own selfish reasons. FYL

Hey, even I would rather watch cars making hundreds of left turns than go to a wedding.

trumpetGIRL12345 0

NASCAR isn't just for rednecks god y'all and your stereotypes and yeah NASCAR is only exciting when someone wrecks until then they are just going in circles for two hours

trumpetGIRL12345 0

ok first what is up with y'all and your stupid stereotypes they are so inaccurate so let pit ya straight on people from the south 1.) we aren't all uneducated,drunken,rednecks 2.) not every one in the south loves NASCAR 3.) STOP WITH ALL THE STEREOTYPES THEY'RE ALL WRONG


What's the whole point of NASCAR? You're just going round in a circle for 2 hours. if it was something like the fast and the furious I'd understand but NASCAR is just stupid. (i'm not from the south. but you probably figured that out when i said i don't like NASCAR and formed a coherent sentence.)

BahahahLOL 0

NASCAR is the most boring "sport" in history. If your parents would rather go there than your WEDDING, they must really hate you.

gijoe33w 0

If the tickets are for Bristol, you have to buy them a full year in advance. OP probably already knew that they had these tickets and was inconsiderate and scheduled her wedding on the same day. So OP you deserve it.