By tdrtnlz - 11/05/2013 06:25 - United Kingdom - Studley

Today, my stalker ex girlfriend turned up at my wedding, uninvited, wearing a wedding dress. FML
I agree, your life sucks 96 492
You deserved it 6 071

Top comments

Run like the wind OP, switch countries, names, number. Just run.

laughtersplay 14

I believe a restraining order is in need.


Reminds me of the episode of Two And a Half Men when Rose tries to shows up at Charlie's fiancee door wearing a wedding dress. Thats where this bitch's inspiration came from.

Correction , she doesn't try to, she actually does.

olpally 32

Sounds exactly like my ex... Wow. Restraining order or have her crazy ass arrested. Jeeze.

I hope her face was painted like the jokers

Now who could've told her about your wedding.

devans00 14

Let us know what happens when you have your first kid.

I see restraining order in your future...