By DaveAlmighty - 24/04/2012 23:59 - United States

Today, my son told me he needed a haircut. I was thrilled that he actually requested it, since he normally throws a fit over getting them. He described the cut he wants. It's a mullet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 247
You deserved it 3 327

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Well it's his hair. I couldn't stand when my mom tried to control my hairstyle when I was younger, just let him experiment, it always grows back :p

NiveaKK 9

Absolutely agree... I used to sport the short spiky boycut when I was a kid... I loved being myself even though the elders disapproved and told me I should have braided long hair. It felt awesome :)

Let him get it. He'll learn his lesson when everyone starts laughing at him in public.

Or he'll suddenly start bringing hot older babes over and be the most popular kid in school. :)

33loveyou 2

That's mean he just doesn't know what in these days no need for embarrassment

Be a good parent and tell him what haircut to get when he's older he can chose his own haircut... Unless he's over 10 then disregard my comment

jerseyboy732 16
challan 19

Damn! You beat me to the Joe Dirt references!!!

ashaleeboo 9

It's the other way around....

fuckmebutdontfml 16

Next thing you know he'll be singing "achy breaky heart"

fuckmebutdontfml 16

next thing you know he'll be siinging "achy breaky heart"

Make him get a buzz cut and just make him put clip-in hair extensions in the back. Best of both worlds.

sickenedwinter86 0

So what? He wants to be a bad ass! Don't worry about it. And by the way... I don't see how this situation constitutes a FML.

Isn't everything unpopular becoming popular now? If he wants it, let him get it. See how long it takes him to crack and shave it all off just to separate him as far as possible from that horrible decision. xD