By nobffs - 01/01/2010 06:10 - United States

Today, my sister-in-law asked why I wasn't out partying with my friends to celebrate the new year. My mom then asked "What friends?". Ah, the new year begins. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 464
You deserved it 2 965

Same thing different taste


cookies_for_you 0

who cares whether you went out or not, so long as you had a good night?

ahah , thaats funnny . and go gettta life and make friends .

Same here. So, you're not the only one.

Ada360 0

tell your mom to shut up and stay out of your personal life... then titty punch her

Gotta love mom's!! Lol! I feel ya though, mine does the same thing!! Hooray for self-esteem!! Lol!!

jessikahh 0

Maybe she was just joking..? Parents tend to do that.

austin9991 0

easy fix to this prob. is to get a ******* life and some friends

Why? All they do is annoy and sponge of you.