By Anonymous - 03/09/2011 02:47 - United States

Today, my school is having their homecoming, and it seems everyone but me has someone to go with. My best friend has her boyfriend, my brother has a date, and I have my hamster. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 365
You deserved it 6 874

Same thing different taste


ilikepieandpie 11

Boo hoo. Seriously there are worse things in life so get over it. I do lots of social things on my own and have lots of fun. Depends on your attitude

Dear OP, Try not to sweat the circumstances. To wax cliche, life's just a bunch of dances, and sometimes you have a partner... sometimes you don't. Small consolation and no excuses for their not having done so, but I promise you there was someone (or two... or three) who *did* want to ask you :-j

just tell everyone his name is Bo and that he is a mineature giant spacehamster and you will be alright.... wouldnt hurt to change your name to Minsk...

You have the cutest in all, bring your hamster with pride !

daydreamer244 13

you better buy that hamster a corsage or it'll be really pissed.

Why don't you just go with some friends? Homecoming is not that exciting anyway.

seriously, it's not the end of the world. it's a really stupid highschool dance, and there are so many other people in your same situation so quit bitching about it on fml. if this is the worst thing in your life right now you clearly need to stop whining