By mrWrong - 25/03/2009 01:20 - United States

Today, my rescue squad unit responded to a 911 call from a woman who felt she was going to pass out. We knocked on her locked door a couple times with no answer. Fearing she might be unconscious, I kicked in the door. She was about to open it and only passed out from the concussion I gave her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 536
You deserved it 59

Top comments

lol! Another mystery solved, boys! Good work!

Inspired22 11

Well, all you can do is the best you can! It should have occurred to her that if she called 911, she'd worry people by not answering right away...


Anonymus101 4

Brutal, but you were trying to save her even if she didn't need the saving.

nofyourlife 0

i'm a medic too, and definitely, hands-down best story ever. seriously.

i too agree w # 32. and the irony makes it so much better. OP: hey u did ur job how much trbl would u be in if you just stood around waiting for her to open it and she was in fact passed out inside? besides, who better to be knocked out by than the paramedics?

mylifeisfuckeddd 0

HAHA I'm dieing! i know it is terrible but i can't stop!

Oh, dear. Definately not your fault. If you call 911 and then don't answer your door what are the officers supposed to think? Don't beat yourself up, we appreciate all the you do to keep our communities safe.

lmao. people get more and more stupid as the days go by

As an EMT and Firefighter, I have absolutely no sympathy for that woman. You did your job, and you did it well. First door I ever broke down, I ended up destroying antiques she'd used as a barricade. Oops.

Woo for another firefighter! paramedics don't (usually) do forced entry, and police can't force entry without a warrant. and notice he said "rescue squad". This is fire department, not police or EMS.