By :) - 29/05/2013 07:31 - United States

Today, my parents yelled at me for 10 minutes without letting me get a word in edgeways for getting a 48 on my test. They took my phone, unplugged my internet, and took my car keys. They wouldn't listen no matter how many times I told them, "It was out of 50". It actually was. FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 661
You deserved it 4 063

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sigh. Parents. Congratulations on your 96% though.

fishstick557 14

Ask your teacher if you could bring the test home


Epikouros 31

If your error rate was 4% when crossing the street, you'd be dead by now. Shame on you for not being perfect :)

uhmaizing 3

what kind of teacher grades on a 50 pt scale.