By Anonymous - 03/12/2011 18:19 - United States

Today, my parents insisted that despite the fact I've just turned sixteen, I have to save them money by ordering from the children's menu, because I "still look like a twelve year old". FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 726
You deserved it 4 109

Same thing different taste


AlaskaKid95 7

I always get the kids menu at restaurants. At least when you're older you'll look younger.

cassidy0922 6

My parents do the same thing.

demonwolfmaster 26

hey im nearly 19 an i get my age guessed any where between 12-16 and i dont mind since it makes me laugh you get used to it after a while

kolten1099 0

i'm 19 and usually order from the kids menu by choice. most of the time the meal is filling and if it isn't i'll just order a desert.

Unfortunately some places are taking them out... WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TO?

Your parents have done so much for you... Times are tough. Maybe the money that they save will go toward your college fund.

And then you will be able to enjoy a bag of Ramein Noodles once a day...

perdix 29

What's the big deal? I order off the Kids' Menu all the time. I'm WAY older than the OP and I look pretty much my age, but I've perfected "the look." "The look" involves a dead eyes, faraway stare, slightly cross-eyed (boss-eyed) and a spittle foam at the corners of my ever-moving lips. I never get any pushback from the wait staff.