By Hoover - 01/12/2018 03:00

Today, my parents brought me to the doctor because I was faking a headache. One thing led to another, and it turns out I have a tumor pressing against my spine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 960
You deserved it 359

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Emma Marshall 19

Good thing you faked that headache!

Fingers crossed everything works out for you, OP.


chessu 21

How old are you to fake a head ache? And for what? If it's something unimportant you don't need to lie to get out of it and if it's something important - that's what paracetamol is for. The only time I've ever felt the need to lie about having one is if I'm having a really bad day at work and I don't want to explain it to a bunch of essentially strangers. And if your parents took you to the doctor it means you've been faking it a lot. I'm just very confused about this entire FML.

They could be faking it because of bullying at school, depression, stress, anxiety... And paracetamol doesn’t do CRAP for my headaches. Not everyone reacts the same way to medications.

Good thing they found it now and not later!

Were you really faking, or did your parents just think you were? But at least the doctor found the tumor before it was too late! Scary, though!

bobsanction 18

Well that's a stroke of good luck. Caught an issue you didn't even know you had!

bl3ur0z3 17

My mom worked with a family in low income housing. They were always a couple months behind on rent so she was always stretching rules to help because she felt bad. Grandma was dying, mom was disabled, dad was working two jobs, there were three kids. The oldest was a 15yo girl who got pregnant. It was a life saver because she then qualified for insurance and found out she had cancer. You're a dirty liar for faking a headache, but thank goodness you did.

tounces7 27

I don't understand if you were really faking a headache or if they were claiming you were faking it.

How long were you faking the headache for to be taken for medical assistance?? Good luck OP

Xavier K. Valdez 8