By Sky - 25/07/2018 01:30

Today, since my parents always told me that I was welcome to come home whenever I want or need, I decided to stop by. They'd changed the locks and wouldn't let me in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 489
You deserved it 330

Same thing different taste

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Parents be like...”Who are you?!”.

This story reminds me of my brother that I don't speak with and he doesn't know where I live. He molested our little cousin who was only 3 at the time. But, he tells everyone outside of the family that he has no clue why we all just up and abandoned him.

OP, This sounds like there is a lot more to the story: When they told you to come by anytime - Was that a long time ago or recent? Did you do or say something recently that upset your parents or are they prone to erratic behavior? Did you come by unannounced? Unless you are a current resident, which sounds unlikely in this scenario, you always need to let people know you are coming by and not just (attempt) to let yourself in. That applies to everyone.