By Can I press charges? - 15/01/2015 17:23 - Australia - Hamilton

Today, my nutjob girlfriend dumped me for refusing to stop talking to my best friend, just because she's a woman. Before she left, my now-ex decided to punish me by destroying the dissertation I've spent months working on, along with both backups of it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 586
You deserved it 4 663

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sure you could find a way to sue her sorry ass. I'm sorry op but women like this need to grow the **** up or stay single and not procreate.


you should go for your best friend instead.

Destroy something important of hers. Her car, her house, her ******.

Idk about Australia, but here THATS damage to intellectual property dude.

Jealousy can really **** you up and make you think irrationally, I would know. But she really went too far. I hope you manage to recover your file. Press charges if you really want, but if I was in your place I wouldn't want anything to do with her anymore.

Sorry about the situation, but as a fellow researcher I know that you should be protecting your manuscripts like your life. Multiple backups online and on computers/hard disks, email attachments, encryption, hard copies and everything. It's too important to lose.

Try to use Undelete or a similar program, if it's not too late, maybe you can still find it, or one of the backups, or at least recover it partially. gl man

I encourage a trip to small claims court for the maximum you can sue for and a police report.

Wauw.. Are you sure she wasn't in love with him.. Her? Plot twist!

That truly is disgusting. And I think any work published whilst at university belongs to the university so maybe they could sue her?

Okay the ex was way out of order BUT all these comments about guys and girls being able to be bestfriends, and how gender should not matter are mostly a load of crap. First of all it depends on how close these "bestfriends" are. Most of them time a guy and a girl bestfriend look like they are dating from the outside. And if they are true bestfriends and spend lots of time together at one point generally one develops feelings for the other. It's the concept of, "if we are so good as friends why shouldn't we date, it would be the perfect relationship." Ofcourse this does not always work out that way. Then there is the "let's not date so we do not ruin our friendship" which never works either because that friction alone is enough to break friendships. I hate how the FML community writes comments based on how things SHOULD be. "A guy and a girl can be friends and your ex is so wrong." Reality is generally far more complicated.

But there is still no reason to destroy someones hard work. And usually girls freak out about the boyfriend having a female friend, but in case a guy complains about his girlfriend hanging out with male friends, he is deemed to ba a jealous prick.

It's amazing to me that you are this adamant that everyone is as sex-obsessed as you clearly are. It is not only possible for men and women to be just friends, it happens ALL THE TIME. My husband is not the slightest bit worried that most of my close friends are guys, and I am not the slightest bit worried that most of his friends are girls. Of all the people I know that have friends of the opposite gender (which is nearly everyone), only one of them ever hooked up with said best friend, and they were both single when it happened, and have been happily married for 10 years now. Not everyone thinks exclusively with the junk between their legs. My friends, male and female, are my family. Hooking up with them would be the emotional equivalent of incest.

i agree with what you say #157 though I do think that #136 is right when they say life isn't always black and white or simple. I wouldn't say #136 is sex obsessed, I think they might have a point that people will look at you two as together and so you'll think about 'what if', but like you said, it might feel like thinking about your sibling. But I agree that people of different genders can be best friends. And even if one develops feelings for the other, the other can always say they don't feel like that - it doesn't necessarily have to ruin the friendship by any means.

Man, straight people sure say some weird things sometimes. If you can't have friends of the gender you're attracted nobody like me would have any friends...

squideth 18

163 amen. Straight people are straight-up ridiculous with their insecure gender shit. Friends are friends regardless of what's in their pants.

I agree. I was never the jealous ex but for a time the jealous wife. I never really had issues with my husband being friends with other women. But there have been times I've felt he was talking to them, one in particular, about things he wouldn't talk to me about & that was a big problem. we've since worked through everything as this was quite a few years ago now. But always in the back of my mind whenever a new female friend enters the picture I feel a little on guard for my relationship until I decide the woman is trustworthy.