By Anonymous - 20/12/2015 08:25

Today, my now ex-fiancée confessed that "our" child is most likely actually hers and my father's. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 901
You deserved it 1 666

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What kind of parent would even do that? It's sick.

UhHuhHoney 20


My step sister's mom dated my step dad's father once. The whole family was creeped out by it. They're bother literally crazy too. Hopefully "your" child really is yours!

Can you draw a diagram explaining that? Your parents divorced and remarried? Your moms new husbands ex wife dated his father? So your stepsisters mom is also her soon to be grandma?

Oh my god... No self respect. Sorry dude?? hope you find someone that actually cares and loves you very heap much.

So your child is now your sibling. At least the kid will still be in your life

That sucks and all, but POOR KID. Imagine when he grows up. He will know he has a ruined parenthood

Wow. My sympathies, OP. What a lousy Christmas surprise.

Fyl, that's worse than Game of Thrones

Oh God, shady914 hit the nail on the head. I wish I could say I didn't believe this sickening story, but I once worked with a woman whose narcissist ex-husband did the same thing to her son, minus the I know it happens. There are no words to fully express how completely heartless and depraved your father and ex-fiance both are for what they have done to you. A betrayal on that level takes an utter and pathological lack of humanity on both of their parts, and it's heartbreaking what this implies for your life and the child's life moving forward. Honestly, this FML scares me. I'm currently single, but I'll need to choose my future fiance/wife wisely, because this is exactly the kind of thing my own estranged dad would try, on purpose. I'm basically counting on it.

Not to scare you further but it's definitely believable. I dated a girl for about a month before I found out the reason she got divorced from her husband was because he found out she was having an affair with his dad, and even had a miscarriage of his fathers child. Truly sick people.

Have fun raising your sibling I guess D: That's awful!

Wow... I'm actually very interested in how they would figure out that paternity test since the dna would be soooo close. Obviously with that kind of baggage it would be a bitch to be raising the child together if it turns out op is the father after all. And talk about a family wrecker ... that lady must be very special indeed. Not only did she ruin their relationship, but also the dads marriage and potentially the entire family's trust base. I imagine if op has siblings they'd also never want to trust dad again after that one...

I'd blame thw father more than the fiancee. Who sleeps with the to be spouse of your own child...

I'm sure she "accidentally" slept with daddy ... NOT!!! It definitely takes two, no matter who initiated it. Doesn't make her or the dad any less assholish and selfish.

DNA tst OP's mun & siblings. If both his parents have similar markers. They compare several of these 'markers', and the chances of OP's being 100% identical to his dad's will be ruled out if they can see variation from his mum or in his siblings.