By campmom - 08/07/2009 05:02

Today, my nine year old son went around telling everyone that me and my husband had a "foursome" last month. It turns out that some douchebag counselor at the camp he goes to thought it would be funny to tell him that a foursome was a divorce. All of his friend's parents think we're kinky freaks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 405
You deserved it 3 834

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell your friends you went golfing. Foursome is a very common golfing term.

whenskiesare_gre 0

Thats just ****** up. People shouldn't tell little kids shit like that.


you failed at marriage. if the dad was abusive or cheating, the kid is ******. brain gets hard-wired that young from trauma. if the dad wasn't cheating, kid is still ****** for being raised in a broken home and that's not even considering the other douche-bags the wife will bring home who'll be just as bad as the first husband.I wish the kid was a girl, so we could count on her growing up to be a stripper. now it's just gonna be a felon or a gang-banger. fyl.

mish01 0

What the hell is wrong with you?

That is not true what-so-ever. My parents got divorced when I was less than 1 and my oldest brother was about 4. Now my brother is off at college and going to get his masters degree in engineering. I also plan to go into engineering and am currently in the top 10% of my class. So screw your logic.

I work at a kids camp, things like that should not happen. Complain to the director of the camps.

report his ass! hell, you might even get on the news if you play the cards right.

mxer53 0

haha sucks but im sure one day youll laugh your ass off at it and so will ur kid when he realizes what it really means

Well, the counselor WAS right... That's hilarious x)

Drakanaa 0

You could sue or get that counselor fired. "Defamation of character" sound familiar?

Oh christ, are you joking? A foursome does not make you a freak. Molesting a child makes you a freak. Jesus.

i agree # 97 - so what if u want to have sex with multiple people. atleast u arent touching some innocent child to get aroused :) (i'd never have a 4some)

Well excuse me for having a good laugh! Sheesh, if you reacted like this to my foursome prank, I'd hate to see how you'd react to the little girl who I told "fingering" meant constipated...

um wtf? like seriuosly, y would the counselor say a divorce is a foursome - if anything a 3some .... but still...