By WeiXinLun - 25/12/2013 06:22 - United States - Union City

Today, my new neighbors moved in. They have a chihuahua that constantly barks all throughout the day. It makes a great addition to my other neighbors that have a rooster that goes off at sunrise every morning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 004
You deserved it 2 975

WeiXinLun tells us more.

OP here! this actual happened a while ago, but the principle is still the same. the neighbors with the chihuahua, they occasionally yell at the dog to shut up. for the most part, they do nothing. it's not too loud to legally make a noise complaint, but loud enough to be an awful annoyance. as for the ones with the rooster, they don't even speak English. they're from Hong Kong, so they only speak Cantonese, which i don't speak. and i live in the middle of suburbia, so the rooster is very illegal. a 1000$ fine, i believe, if reported. the rooster usually gets really loud around 10, so it sometimes wakes me up, sometimes not. the chihuahua is pretty much 24/7. any more suggestions are more than welcome though, thanks!

Top comments

If the rooster is illegal why don't you just report it.

let's have them meet each other, see if the doggy likes to eat ****


I would like to know how you deserve this? I have a neighbor who has a dog that barks at everything all day long. It is very painful to listen to. My sympathies are with you OP. Catch the rooster and have a chicken dinner!

Buy one of those ultrasonic dog bark deterrents.

jefrey 9

all you need now its a wolf across the street,

skyeyez9 24

I have a chihuahua named Jake. He is very laid back and hardly ever barks. He is the complete opposite of how a chihuahua normally is.

OP here! this actual happened a while ago, but the principle is still the same. the neighbors with the chihuahua, they occasionally yell at the dog to shut up. for the most part, they do nothing. it's not too loud to legally make a noise complaint, but loud enough to be an awful annoyance. as for the ones with the rooster, they don't even speak English. they're from Hong Kong, so they only speak Cantonese, which i don't speak. and i live in the middle of suburbia, so the rooster is very illegal. a 1000$ fine, i believe, if reported. the rooster usually gets really loud around 10, so it sometimes wakes me up, sometimes not. the chihuahua is pretty much 24/7. any more suggestions are more than welcome though, thanks!

Time to get a falcon license! my boyfriend always trys to find a reason and this is the first legitimate one I've seen.

If the rooster is illegal why don't you just report it.

I read a story online where the guy had a situation similar to yours with the chihuahua. He recorded the dog's barking and blasted it for hours so that it disturbed the offending neighbors. They quickly got the message, and the guy lived happily (and quietly) ever after.

It belongs to an old couple who don't speak English and they make their living with their animals and gardening work

Awesome idea! and an awesome name, as well! =]

I live in a decent sized suburban neighborhood. One of my neighbors is really protective of his dog and he hates when other dogs bark at it. Another neighbor's dog barked at the dog a few times. This guy actually had the nerve to tell one of the kids to tell his mom to keep their dog quiet. He actually scared the shit out of this kid.

A noise maker might work. Sounds silly, but the sound of waves washing up on the shore might help you sleep better

And I thought it was bad enough that my neighbours start off their cars very early in the morning and bang their car door as loud as possible.. Guess not.

Now you just need a cat that yowls through the night.

mxij 13