By Username - 28/09/2010 16:16 - France

Today, my mum suggested that I should take self-defense lessons just in case I ever get attacked. Jokingly, I said, "As long as I walk under street lamps, no one is going to touch me." She replied, "Well, you never know, they might mistake you for someone good looking." FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 370
You deserved it 4 849

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's a little harsh, but she was probably joking. Your mum is concerned for your well being, I'd recommend getting some self defence lessons as well, as who knows how desperate any potential attackers will be. However, you also have an excellent point, OP, if you keep to well lit streets, you are less likely to be attacked on the basis. That's common sense, which is also helpful in these kind of situations.

LOLLL owned! PS. She was probably joking, so relax yourself.


That was kind of harsh for no reason = Horrible mean mother you have there.

LOLLL owned! PS. She was probably joking, so relax yourself.

perdix 29

Rapists go for the fugly ones. Instead of getting arrested and put in prison, they get thanked and are handed whatever cash the ugly ***** has on her.

sourgirl101 28

I don't understand why some parents find humour in insulting their children. Yeah, it's probably a joke but how is being called ugly (reading between the lines) by your mom funny?

Just scream "I HAVE AIDS!" and you'll never have to worry about being raped.

Randen_fml 0

Beauty is skin deep, but ugly goes right to the bone.

haha damn your mom just burned your sorry ass!!!

Randen_fml 0

I'm sure they would let her go after they seen she wasn't attractive.