By tamponmayhem - 09/03/2009 19:30 - Canada

Today, my mother and I went to Wal-Mart to buy pads. I suggested I get tampons instead, so that I can go swimming at my boyfriend's cottage. My mother then goes to the nearest store employee and asks, "excuse me, if my daughter uses a tampon, does that mean she is no longer a virgin?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 205 814
You deserved it 15 411

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sovietrussian 0
thedrifter889 0

No kidding - If i we're that employee i wouldn't know to laugh or know weather or not she was serious



oh my. haha id like go burry her in a big hole.

topgearfan 0
laxxer03 0

HAHAHAHHA lollll wow it's ok we all have those types of moments.... my mom always asks retarded questions like that in stores don't worry i feel you're embarressment

I agree with #14. I find it hard to believe that any grown woman would have to ask that unless you mean that she was asking if you wanted to wear tampons because she thinks you already are no longer a virgin...? They're very different situations.

I am so sorry your mother is so stupid. I'm glad you were able to get a laugh out of it. You'll think it's one of the funniest things in a couple of years. Oh, it's funny now but it'll be hysterical for you later.

your mom is ignorant. if you reproduce, please educate your own children

fcuk_fml 0

Oh my gosh! My mom is foreign and she said that once hahah

wow-what's wrong with your mom? hope you didn't inherit it

must mean your mom had sex before she had to use a tampon. Hey, I've heard of women that did not no how they got pregnant!! they's family keep'em dumb ya know.