By djkimmaz - 03/12/2011 11:23 - United Kingdom

Today, my mom, who is relatively new to Facebook, posted on her friend's wall, telling her about her recent diagnosis of vaginal thrush. She assumed that her wall post was private. Six of my friends liked the post. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 750
You deserved it 3 376

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RebekahBrooke 9

I think this is more of an FHL. Poor mom, that's really embarrassing!


nelliednt 6

Seriously it's just a yeast infection they're pretty common and yeah so what she's old and doesn't understand social networking sites. Btw it would be different if she had been diagnosed with herpes.

lolthatscute 0

why are your friends, friends with your mom..

Could have been worse. She could have been talking about you.

Wait, why does your mom have your friends as friends? This sounds fake, they wouldn't see the post unless your mom posted it on YOUR wall, or if they were friends with her.

Um, why would your mother be friends with your friends on FB? Or is everything public on her page?

auriepooh 4
Notorious_Puppy 0

For your friends to like her status won't they have to be your moms friend as well?0.o

Yeeeeah, sometimes I think there should be an "entrance exam" for new Facebook users. After years of patient explanation from me and my brother, my mother still doesn't know how her privacy settings work.