By that_culinary_degree_though - 13/05/2014 02:46 - United States - Auburn

Today, my mom invited me over yet again so I could practice my culinary degree by making an exquisite, gourmet meal for her dog; a three year old Pomeranian who pees in my shoes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 366
You deserved it 5 140

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next time, make the dog part of the meal and call it a 'foreign delight'


It might not be so bad if she would eat the food too. At least then you'd receive some... feedback.

RedPillSucks 31

There are homeless people who would benefit more from your cooking than the dog. And they're less likely to pee in your shoes.

Goblin182 26
dakid87 10

high maintenance dog if you ask me. Take your talents elsewhere :)

Pee on his dog bed, show him who's boss!

Yeah, well if you call your cooking certificate a culinary degree then people are going to take the piss. Definite YDI.

angiee_baybee 15

Is your mother aware that human food isn't healthy for dogs?

I know she's your mom, but you're allowed to decline. She'll get over it.