By thatguy - 25/06/2011 07:47 - Canada

Today, my mom got drunk and told me to leave the house because "I've been mooching off her for too long". I'm 14 and now am sleeping at my friends house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 729
You deserved it 2 983

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'd stay at your friend's, if I were you.

olpally 32

wow... your mom is probably an alcoholic... stay at your friends house and stay away from your mom... alcoholics can be abusive... fyl op.. that sucks


yourbudtravis 0

i got kicked out when i was 12 years old by my alcholic father and mother. luckily my best friend's parents liked me and adopted me

outsidehitter7 9

look. ur mom is a loser. do everything u can to make something of urself. and then we'll see who tryna "mooch" once u make it to the top!!

madeline1960 0

get even call the cops have her arrested . she can't do that . my daughter is 24 and still living at home . I couldn't wouldn't do that too my child .

Playful1985 9

Child protective services! ASAP

sweety i'm sorry for that! stay with your friend for a while

aww poor baby! that sucks. i wish my mom would do that.

Eiregal 7

oh good lord you silly little girl


Can I be a Mighty Duck, too?