By Anonymous - 04/11/2014 02:39 - United States - Baraboo

Today, my loving fiancé informed me that my new perfume makes me smell like a urinal cake. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 585
You deserved it 5 535

Same thing different taste

Top comments

like most guys, he has probably used a public restroom at some point.


If it did then at least he was Honest and hopefully he said it in a good way, you know not to use it again I guess.

Probably better he said something than dealing with suddenly having to pee when you're around him...

At least he told you, and the impression I got was that he wasn't a jerk about it. Better than walking around and having a bunch of other people thinking the same thing!

mimi809o 21

At least he told you straight up so you wouldn't be walking around smelling like that

How is this any different then being told u have a hole in u pants buy your fiancée seems pretty easy to fix

If he's being honest to you, hell yeaaah best fiance eveeeeeer

You found yourself a real keeper there OP, honest and cares about how you smell.

Tsukiyomi 16

Honesty is the best policy, OP

well you can always change your parfume or your fiance if you wan

Always check with your spouse about how perfume makes you smell, if they don't like it more than likely no one else will either